Our Services


KSP is well-versed in assisting firms with foreign manpower recruitment for any industry needs, no matter how complex. We work to understand client’s requirements carefully before personalize our service to suit the exact demand. Our recruitment consultancy firm provide expert solutions efficiently.

We specialize in recruiting foreign candidates for the following industries:

  • Construction
  • Service Lines
  • Manufacturing
  • Shipbuilding
  • Logistic

In assuring quality candidates are delivered, KSP has invested in training centers overseas including Bangladesh, China, India, Thailand, Myanmar. Our centers ensure all candidates are properly interviewed, selected and given requisite trainings before they are recruited. Our assistance has proven to grant relief in client’s manpower supply struggle.


KSP's experienced consultants are adept in sourcing for skilled personnel based on client's needs. We cater to all from junior, middle-management to executive levels; permanent or temporary placement in various industry. As a qualified agency, we maintain stringent yet ethical selection of candidates. It is our duty to take client's worry off the shoulder by conducting screen, interview and shortlist candidates and provide efficient HR solutions. This in turn will save clients' time as well as ensure candidates' better career opportunity. We strive for perfect match between candidate and employer each and every time.


KSP is an appointed agency by MOM to manage special pass holder under Temporary Job Scheme ( TJS) . TJS is a scheme to facilitate temporary employment of foreigners who are required to remain in Singapore for investigation purposes or to act as prosecution witnesses. They are unfortunate foreign workers who were victimized due to non-payment of salary, outstanding levy by employer or agent fee and etc.


We are duly registered and licensed company with proficiency in the area of work and employment passes application in Singapore. Foreign candidates of any sector are obligated to obtain permit to work legally in Singapore. There are strict provisions in abiding by Singapore's law. KSP has in-depth information and expertise on varied key aspect of recruitment applications and process, in accordance to Ministry of Manpower rules & regulations. We assist various work and employment passes application, renewal and cancellation with efficacy. Not limited to permits, KSP's dedication extends to well rounded services in all local procedures and arrangements to give clients a peace of mind.

The Right Fit for Your Job

More and more companies understand the serious consequences of inaccurate recruitment. At KSP, we work to understand each of your unique hiring needs. We strategize hiring, leverage our expertise and resources to positively affect your turnover rate, company culture, productivity and bottom-line profit. No job is too small or too big for us. Talk to us now.

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